A frustrating job search during the holidays can lead us to wonder why a company is not giving the gift of “job” this holiday season. Questions begin to arise. Is there something wrong with me? Am I not qualified for the job? What is it about me that people don’t like? Job searching during the holidays can be difficult.
Job Search Frustration
After you’ve submitted dozens of resumes with little to no response, it’s easy to begin thinking this way about yourself. The truth is that employers look at hiring a little different than how a job seeker does.
- They will try to hire an internal candidate. Almost always, a company will try to hire an internal candidate to fill a role first. An internal candidate will at least have the first shot at an interview if they are qualified and say they want the job.
- They will reach out to their network. Has anyone from your current employer ever asked you if you know anyone who would be interested in a job at your company? This has happened to me several times, as Human Resource Directors and owners trust their current employees and would prefer to hire someone that has some connection to the company.
- They will scan resumes. In a likely stack of 50+, Human Resources and hiring managers do scan resumes to see if there are qualified candidates. If there are, potentially that person could receive a phone interview followed by an on-site interview.
As you can see, job searching during the holidays is set up to be frustrating for a job seeker. It’s hard not to blame yourself for not being enough, or not having a good enough job.
With the upcoming holidays, it’s time to turn your job search frowns upside down and learn why thinking about others could lead to your next gig.
Help Others
‘Tis the season right? What if instead of focusing on why you can’t seem to land an interview, you actively tried to help someone else get an interview? Is there someone you know who is frustrated at work and wants a change? Most of us do. Do you have any connections or ideas for them? Ask them for coffee or lunch and listen to them. Listen, being the keyword. You don’t need to impart your wisdom on them, but listen to their struggle and if you have ideas, great!
‘Tis the Season to Volunteer
Lots of help is needed during the holidays at local non-profits. With an endless number of volunteer opportunities, like at our local United Way, you can be sure to find one that you like and help them out. Likely there will be other people there helping out as well who share a common interest. Connect with them and take an interest in why they volunteer. This is an easy way to expand your network.
‘Tis the Season to Pay it Forward
We all need to feel good every so often right? We want to feel good all the time, but we as humans tend to always see ourselves as stuck in a rut. Why not send some of those good vibes to yourself and pay it forward?
- Donate money to a cause you care about.
- Pay for someone’s coffee.
- Run a 5k for a local charity (exercise and donation).
- Give old clothing to Goodwill and de-clutter.
It’s easy to get frustrated during your job search. Focus energy away from the things that you can’t control, and focus on what you can control. During the holiday season, give of yourself and connect with others. You’ll feel great and your fresh perspective may help you land a career over the holidays.
Check out the latest jobs from Corridor Careers.